Was machst du gerade? (27)

… frage ich die wunderbaren Menschen in meinem Netzwerk.

Heute ist das Jeffrey Douglas – Innenarchitekt, Toronto, Kanada

Wir haben uns 1985 kennengelernt, als wir beide mit einem Interrail-Pass kreuz und quer durch Europa reisten. Wir sind verwandte kreative Seelen und schätzen einander sehr. Dazu kommt, dass ich unheimlich stolz auf ihn bin: Jeff arbeitet hart und hat schon viele wunderbare Dinge geschaffen, Preise abgeräumt und Menschen glücklich gemacht.

What are you doing at the moment?

»I get up every morning before the sun rises, because I am always bright and fresh in the morning. With a double espresso nearby, I am writing this at 6:00 am from my rear balcony overlooking the trees in historic Cabbagetown in Toronto. The squirrels, birds and raccoons are all around to assist, but really it is the coffee that helps me to write. This morning a bird pooped on my book. He or she is no longer my assistant.«

Why are you an interior designer?

»I am really an interior architect. At the age of six I was drawing houses. I wondered then what people do inside, what their homes were like. I believe today that home is a refuge from the world. A private space where you are surrounded by all that is most important to you. (…and now I know what they do inside!)
Since I was young I could see space and objects before they were built. When I combine that ability with my interest to discover each client’s story, creativity and vision emerge. For me this is very exciting.«

What makes you tick or interests you intensely?

»One of my favourite places to be is in a canoe on a lake at sunrise. I get up with the sun every day, and the mist over glassy water is magical. Nature recharges me.
I write poetry, essays and short stories. Very recently I began studying the craft of writing more seriously and am completing a certificate in creative writing at the University of Toronto. There is a bridge between my interest in learning client’s stories and writing my own. Poetry has such a beautiful essence to it, and I find endless inspiration with the simple arrangement of words.

I love to cook! I make preserves, stews and sauces. My partner, Stephen, and I are building an off-grid retreat in the country, where I am planning a large vegetable garden with fruit trees and a greenhouse, a large cold cellar for preserves and a brick barbecue for grilling over wood fire. Very elemental.«

Where can I find you?

My work website is www.douglasdesignstudio.com.

This video gives some information about my inspiration and approach.

Instagram is a powerful tool for my industry, so you can find me at jeffreydouglasdesign.

My personal Instagram in jeffreyadouglaswriter.

Two of my poems were published in a literary review at this Link.



Happy Moin!

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